“Pride Sunday” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Welcoming Congregation Team
Today's service is our annual Flower Communion Service, and is led by Rev Allison Palm and Fatih Formation Director Sadie Kahn-Greene, with support by Music Director Jed Holland.
“Becoming UU” Led by Rev. Allison Palm
“Reverse Question Box” Led by Dick Widhu, Danielle Van Dusen & Sonrisa O’Toole
Raised with the Gift of Pluralism led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern
Today's service is "You Sing My Hymn, I’ll Sing Yours", and is led by Rev. Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, and worship associate Julia Firmbach.
“Pluralism in Dialogue” Led by Rev. Allison Palm
“Our Interdependent Web” Led by Sadie Kahn-Greene & Erin Scott
Why Live Free or Die Doesn't Work led by Rev. Allison Palm and Dick Widhu; Guest Pianist - Gary Finger
Today's service is "Worthy of Saying No", and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, Worship Associate Danielle Van Dusen, and Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene.
“We Need One Another” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Pastoral Care Associates UU Nashua Band members: Matt Levigne - drums; John Burkitt - bass
All Ages Easter service in the sanctuary led by Rev. Allison Palm
“A Faith Wrought By Time” Led by Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Dick Widhu
Today's service is a switch-it-up Sunday, where we had a short shared service, followed by workshops to explore our values. The service was led by our ministerial intern Erin Scott, with support from Sonrisa O'Toole, Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Music Director Jed Holland.
From Surviving to Thriving - Erin Scott
Naming Our Past, Transforming Our Future led by Harry Purkhiser, Rev. Allison Palm, Roy Goodman, and Tristan Husby
“Making Room for Justice” - Led by: Rev. Allison Palm and Sadie Kahn-Greene
Today's service is "450 Years of Monopoly" and is led by guest minister Rev. Shayna Appel, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, and Worship Associate Vengerflutta Smith. Rev. Shayna Appel takes on a tough topic of racism and our role in it in the past and still today. Please take a listen and think about it. We also have two wonderful pieces of uplifting music for our anthems today.
“It’s Okay Not to Be Okay” Led by: Rev. Allison Palm
Today's service is "Lead With Love" and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Sonrisa O'Toole.
“Embodying Liberating Love” Led by: Rev. Allison Palm & Sadie Kahn-Greene
Today's service is "Redefining Love" and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Ministerial Intern Erin Scott, Music Director Jed Holland, Faith Formation Director Sadie Kahn-Greene, and worship associate Danielle Van Dusen. And today, we have some wonderful music from our UU Nashua Band today, with a medley of love songs from across the generations!
"Only Love Can Do That" led by Rev. Allison Palm
Today's service was remote-only, due to snow. This service is "Love at the Center", and is led by Ministerial Intern Erin Scott, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, worship associate Dylan Yetter, and our tech team members Frank Grossman and Ericka Lavalley. Make sure to take a minute to listen to Jed Holland sing a special song from Mr Rogers!
Poetry Sharing Service Led by: Dick Widhu
No morning service was held in order to focus on the two Christmas Eve services.
Family Christmas Eve Service featuring our Christmas Eve Choir and our candle-lighting ritual. - Rev. Allison Palm and Sadie Kahn-Greene
"Lessons and Carols" - Rev. Allison Palm: Our 7pm Christmas Eve Service featuring our Christmas Eve Choir and our candle-lighting ritual.
"Cover Me in Sunshine: A Solstice Story Service" Inspired by The Solstice Badger, written & illustrated by Robin McFadden Led by: Sadie Kahn-Greene & UU Nashua Children & Youth
"Reveling in the Mystery" - Rev. Allison Palm
"Living in the Mystery" Rev. Allison Palm
"Together We Share" - Rev. Allison Palm and Sadie Kahn-Greene *** We were having audio difficulties for most of this service, therefore some recordings can be hard to understand. We apologize for the inconvenience.
"From You I Receive - Erin Scott and Rev. Allison Palm
"From You I Receive" - Rev. Allison Palm
"When Our Time Comes" - Rev. Peter Friedrichs What constitutes a “good death,” and is there even such a thing? When you hear the phrase “death with dignity,” what comes to mind? This Sunday guest pastor Rev. Peter Friedrichs will invite us to consider how our Unitarian Universalist values can inform our thoughts and feelings around our own death and that of those we love.
Today's service is "All Souls Day", and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from worship associate Sonrisa O'Toole. And special thanks to members of the music team as they filled in at the last hour!
Today's service is "Switch It Up Sunday", led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, Ministerial Intern Erin Scott, Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Vengerflutta Smith.
Today's service is "Our Heretical Heritage", led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Vengerflutta Smith.
Today's service, "Relating to Our Heritage", is led by our ministerial intern Erin Scott, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene, and worship associate Dick Widhu.
Today's service is "Relating to Our Heritage", and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from ministerial intern Erin Scott, Music director Jed Holland, and worship associate Danielle Van Dusen.
“What Does Unitarian Universalism Welcome?” Led by Rev. Allison Palm
“Embodying an Invitational Faith” Led by Rev. Allison Palm
This site developed and maintained by Dan Murphy.